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Project Two: Outline

Research Proposal:

*Attached to the picture on the right is my Research Proposal for Project Two.*

My Project Two will be based on how music has helped individuals with disorders, such as depression and anxiety, to better themselves and change a person's personality for the better. 

Annotated Bibliography:

*Attached to the picture on the left is my Annotated Bibliography for two of my sources for Project Two.*

My first source is an article about an experiment that was made to show how an individual's personality changes after listening to music. The second source is my chosen individual's website that was created to she the different events that his group is involved in. 

Simple Outline for Project Two:

Main concept: How music has helped individuals with disorders, such as depression and anxiety, to better themselves and change a person’s personality.

Individual: Anthony James (AJ) Fratto (dad)


Background on individual:

Battling depression and anxiety

Life influenced by music: mother and father sing; choir in high school; multiple bands

Emotion: helps to calm down; sad when songs connect him to deceased mother; singing/performing helps him to release energy and stress

Personality: helped to develop different traits and feelings toward different situations; helps to calm down after an attack

Charity: Toys-for-Tots; Hotel for Cats and Dogs

People: meeting Tom Kiefer, Brett Michaels, Queensrych



AJ Fratto:

Kristin Fratto (mom):

Jeff Jacobus (dad’s long-time friend):


Source Information:

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